日和灣居 Sunshine Liv.







latest news
09 Jul, 2024
2024 澎湖追風音樂燈光節 8/30~9/27 每週五晚上於觀音亭園區熱鬧開唱 狂歡搶VIP區(限量提供10位保留名額)
08 Dec, 2023
官網訂房最 優惠 一泊一食 ❙ 專案期間 ❙ 即日起 - 2024/12/30 ❙ 專案內容 ❙ 客房入住一晚 依房型定員提供早餐(摩斯漢堡) 早餐餐券兌換時間 06:40-10:30 免費無線上網 / 寬頻WiFi ❙ 注意事項 ❙ 以上報價已含5%稅金及10%服務費。 本專案價格採浮動房價,價格以當日訂房頁面為主。 本專案恕不得與其它優惠併用。
16 Oct, 2023
04 Jul, 2022
112年9月10日起不主動提供一次性備品 因應政府法令且響應環保, 本飯店自2023/9/10開始不主動提供一次性備品(牙刷牙膏、浴帽、梳子和刮鬍刀)! 敬請見諒。

Room type introduction

Come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Penghu and spend a wonderful lazy time. The happy moments of family outings or short-term work trips can temporarily relieve you of a lot of burdens.

You can relax your body and mind here and let everything reset to zero.

  • about Us


    -The traveler's destination-

    Stay or go home? Welcome to experience it for yourself when you walk through this door, as if you have walked into the ideal home in your heart. Changchun Hotel opens a door for you to go home. On this island not far from home, you can feel What I received was sincere care and cordial hospitality from an old friend.

    -The traveler's destination-

    Stay or go home? Welcome to experience it for yourself when you walk through this door, as if you have walked into the ideal home in your heart. Changchun Hotel opens a door for you to go home. On this island not far from home, you can feel What I received was sincere care and cordial hospitality from an old friend.

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